The Challenge: Write the shortest program that implements John H. Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton. [link]
EDIT: After about a week of competition, I have selected a victor: pdehaan, for managing to beat the Matlab solution by one character with perl.
For those who haven't heard of Game of Life, you take a grid (ideally infinite) of square cells. Cells can be alive (filled) or dead (empty). We determine which cells are alive in the next step of time by applying the following rules:
Your program will read in a 40x80 character ASCII text file specified as a command-line argument, as well as the number of iterations (N) to perform. Finally, it will output to an ASCII file out.txt the state of the system after N iterations.
Here is an example run with relevant files:
Iterate 100 times:
Q:\>life in.txt 100
Resultant Output (out.txt)
The Rules:
The winner will be determined by character count.
Good luck!
Managed to strip off a couple more characters...