I'm following this guide here: https://launchschool.com/blog/handling-emails-in-rails to set up a mailer for my ruby-on-rails project.
This code works: example_mailer.rb
class ExampleMailer < ApplicationMailer
default from: "philotester5@gmail.com"
def sample_email(user)
@user = user
mg_client = Mailgun::Client.new ENV['api_key']
message_params = {:from => ENV['gmail_username'],
:to => @user.email,
:subject => 'Sample Mail using Mailgun API',
:text => 'This mail is sent using Mailgun API via mailgun-ruby'}
mg_client.send_message ENV['domain'], message_params
When I call ExampleMailer.sample_email(@user).deliver
in my controller, I get an eMail with the text: 'This mail is sent using Mailgun API via mailgun-ruby' as it is saved in :text.
Now, I want, that this html.erb or this text.erb file is send, not just :text:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv='Content-Type' />
<h1>Hi <%= @user.username %></h1>
Sie haben folgende Tags ausgewählt:
<% @user.tag_list.each do |tag| %>
<%= tag %> <br>
<% end %>
<% @infosall.each do |info| %>
<%= info.name %><br>
<% end %><br>
Hi <%= @user.username %>
Sie haben folgende Tags ausgewählt:
<% @user.tag_list.each do |tag| %>
<%= tag %>
<% end %>
<% @infosall.each do |info| %>
<%= info.name %>
<% end %>
What do I need to do, so these files are sent, rather than just the :text?
sample_email.text.erb and sample_email.html.erb are found in: app/views/example_mailer
The file example_mailer.rb is in: app/mailers/example_mailer.rb
Thanks in advance!
Edit: I deleted the :text line and the text.erb-file
and now I have this:
mg_client = Mailgun::Client.new ENV['api_key']
message_params = {:from => ENV['gmail_username'],
:to => @user.email,
:subject => 'Sample Mail using Mailgun API'}
mg_client.send_message ENV['domain'], message_params
But now, I get this error:
2016-02-14T13:28:12.483443+00:00 app[web.1]: ExampleMailer#sample_email: processed outbound mail in 150.3ms
2016-02-14T13:28:12.483718+00:00 app[web.1]: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 495ms (ActiveRecord: 30.2ms)
2016-02-14T13:28:12.485057+00:00 app[web.1]:
2016-02-14T13:28:12.485054+00:00 app[web.1]: Mailgun::CommunicationError (400 Bad Request):
2016-02-14T13:28:12.485055+00:00 app[web.1]: app/mailers/example_mailer.rb:19:in `sample_email'
2016-02-14T13:28:12.485056+00:00 app[web.1]: app/controllers/events_controller.rb:26:in `create'
2016-02-14T13:28:12.485057+00:00 app[web.1]:
In example_mailer.rb:19: `mg_client.send_message ENV['domain'], message_params`
In events_controller.rb:26: `ExampleMailer.sample_email(@user).deliver`
Where did I go wrong? Thanks!
Edit2: My smtp settings:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
# SMTP settings for gmail
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:port => 587,
:address => "smtp.mailgun.org",
:domain => ENV['domain'],
:user_name => ENV['username'],
:password => ENV['password'],
:authentication => :plain,
Change your simple_email funtion like the one below
def sample_email(user)
@user = user
mail(to: @user.email, subject: 'Sample Email')
You can also define the format by changing above function like this
def sample_email(user)
@user = user
mail(to: @user.email, subject: 'Sample Email') do |format|
# or