As part of a Compiler Principles course I'm taking in my university, we're writing a compiler that's implemented in OCaml, which compiles Scheme code into CISC-like assembly (which is just C macros). the basic operation of the compiler is such:
file and convert it to an OCaml string
file.Well, all is good and well, except for this: I'm trying to read an input file, that's around 4000 lines long, and is basically one huge expressions that's a mix of Scheme if
& and
I'm executing the compiler via utop
. When I try to read the input file, I immediately get a stack overflow error message. It is my initial guess that the file is just to large for OCaml to handle, but I wasn't able to find any documentation that would support this theory.
Any suggestions?
Well, it turns out that the limitation was the amount of maximum ram the OCaml is configured to use.
I ran the following command in the terminal in order to increase the quota:
export OCAMLRUNPARAM="l=5555555555"
This worked like a charm - I managed to read and compile the input file almost instantaneously.
For reference purposes, this is the code that reads the file:
let file_to_string input_file =
let in_channel = open_in input_file in
let rec run () =
let ch = input_char in_channel in ch :: (run ())
with End_of_file ->
( close_in in_channel;
[] )
in list_to_string (run ());;
where list_to_string
let list_to_string s =
let rec loop s n =
match s with
| [] -> String.make n '?'
| car :: cdr ->
let result = loop cdr (n + 1) in
String.set result n car;
loop s 0;;
funny thing is - I wrote file_to_string
in tail recursion. This prevented the stack overflow, but for some reason went into an infinite loop. Oh, well...