I'm using Gradle and I try to configure for my Android project. I read document and I see that there are two ways of defining a task.
Without << Operator
task SampleTask {
methodA param1 param2
With << Operator:
Task SampleTask <<{
methodA param1 param2
My question is: what is real differences between above 2 ways?
Thanks :)
you can define tasks like this :
task hello {
doLast {
println 'Hello world!'
here, the last thing that hello
task does, is to print 'Hello World!'
I can use another syntax for defining my task like this :
task hello << {
println 'Hello world!'
these two tasks are same. another example is :
task hello << {
println 'Hello Earth'
hello.doFirst {
println 'Hello Venus'
hello.doLast {
println 'Hello Mars'
hello << {
println 'Hello Jupiter'
now the output will be :
Hello Venus
Hello Earth
Hello Mars
Hello Jupiter
read documentation for more details.