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Parsing semi colon delimeter file

I have a CSV file but the delimiter is a semi colon ; and each column is enclosed with double quotes. There are also occurrences of ; in some values such as & amp;

I am using TextFieldParser to parse the file. This is the sample data:

"A001";"RT:This is a tweet"; " & amp;one"

For the above example , I am getting more columns/fields than what I should get.

Field[0] = "A001"
Field[1] = "RT:This is a tweet"
Field[2] = ""
Field[3] = "one"

This is my code. What changes need to be done to handle such scenario?

 using (var parser  =  new TextFieldParser(fileName))
                parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
                parser.TrimWhiteSpace = true;
                parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = false;

                int rowIndex = 0;
                PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(TwitterData).GetProperties();
                while (parser.PeekChars(1) != null)
                    var cleanFieldRowCells = parser.ReadFields().Select(
                        f => f.Trim(new[] { ' ', '"' }));

                    var twitter = new TwitterData();
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (string c in cleanFieldRowCells)
                            string str = c;

                            if (properties[index].PropertyType == typeof(DateTime))
                                string twitterDateTemplate = "ddd MMM dd HH:mm:ss +ffff yyyy";
                                DateTime createdAt = DateTime.ParseExact(str, twitterDateTemplate, new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-AU"));
                                properties[index].SetValue(twitter, createdAt);
                                properties[index].SetValue(twitter, str);




  • Using the two sample strings you have above and setting the HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes property to true works for me.

    string LINES = @"
        ""A001"";""RT:This is a tweet""; """"
        ""A001"";""RT: Test1 ; Test2"";"""";   
    using (var sr = new StringReader(LINES))
        using (var parser = new TextFieldParser(sr))
            parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited;
            parser.TrimWhiteSpace = true;
            parser.HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes = true;
            while (parser.PeekChars(1) != null)
                var cleanFieldRowCells = parser.ReadFields().Select(
                    f => f.Trim(new[] { ' ', '"' })).ToArray();
                Console.WriteLine("New Line");
                for (int i = 0; i < cleanFieldRowCells.Length; ++i)
                        "Field[{0}] = [{1}]", i, cleanFieldRowCells[i]
                Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string('=', 40));


    New Line
    Field[0] = [A001]
    Field[1] = [RT:This is a tweet]
    Field[2] = [;one]
    New Line
    Field[0] = [A001]
    Field[1] = [RT: Test1 ; Test2]
    Field[2] = []
    Field[3] = []