This is a follow up question from here. I am trying to implement k-means based on this implementation. It works great, but I would like to replace groupByKey()
with reduceByKey()
, but I am not sure how (I am not worried about performance now). Here is the relevant minified code:
val data = sc.textFile("dense.txt").map(
t => (t.split("#")(0), parseVector(t.split("#")(1)))).cache()
val read_mean_centroids = sc.textFile("centroids.txt").map(
t => (t.split("#")(0), parseVector(t.split("#")(1))))
var centroids = read_mean_centroids.takeSample(false, K, 42).map(x => x._2)
do {
var closest = => (closestPoint(p._2, centroids), p._2))
var pointsGroup = closest.groupByKey() // <-- THE VICTIM :)
var newCentroids = pointsGroup.mapValues(ps => average(ps.toSeq)).collectAsMap()
Notice that println(newCentroids)
will give:
Map(23 -> (-6.269305E-4, -0.0011746404, -4.08004E-5), 8 -> (-5.108732E-4, 7.336348E-4, -3.707591E-4), 17 -> (-0.0016383086, -0.0016974678, 1.45..
and println(closest)
MapPartitionsRDD[6] at map at kmeans.scala:75
Relevant question: Using reduceByKey in Apache Spark (Scala).
Some documentation:
def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) ⇒ V): RDD[(K, V)]
Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) ⇒ V, numPartitions: Int): RDD[(K, V)]
Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
def reduceByKey(partitioner: Partitioner, func: (V, V) ⇒ V): RDD[(K, V)]
Merge the values for each key using an associative reduce function.
def groupByKey(): RDD[(K, Iterable[V])]
Group the values for each key in the RDD into a single sequence.
You could use an aggregateByKey()
(a bit more natural than reduceByKey()
) like this to compute newCentroids
val newCentroids = closest.aggregateByKey((Vector.zeros(dim), 0L))(
(agg, v) => (agg._1 += v, agg._2 + 1L),
(agg1, agg2) => (agg1._1 += agg2._1, agg1._2 + agg2._2)
).mapValues(agg => agg._1/agg._2).collectAsMap
For this to work you will need to compute the dimensionality of your data, i.e. dim
, but you only need to do this once. You could probably use something like val dim = data.first._2.length