Does anyone have any experience controlling SauceLabs SauceConnect tunnels programmatically for Selenium WebDriver testing? Specifically from within Java code. The examples in the SauceLabs documentation assume that a tunnel is created manually before a test is executed or there is a permanent tunnel somewhere used by all tests.
The tunnels would need to be unique for each test, and support having multiple tunnels/tests running simultaneously on the same box. Anyone using the project should be able to execute tests using a tunnel without manual steps to create tunnels or perform special install and configuration of tunnel software.
I did some research and have come up with a means to control my SauceConnect tunnels from in code. Here is a brief summary of how to get it working in case someone else is looking to do this. I am using this setup to run multiple tunnels on the same server and tie each to on site proxy servers. These examples assume you are running your code on a JVM.
I have put together a more detailed writeup in a blog post Controlling Sauce Connect.
Add the following dependency to your project.
Then you can call into the library to start and stop a tunnel using the code below.
Start Tunnel
Process tunnel = sauceTunnelManager.openConnection(
sauceUser, // username
sauceKey, // apiKey
port, // port
null, // sauceConnectJar
tunnelOptions, // Tunnel options
null, // printStream
null, // verboseLogging
null // sauceConnectPath );
Close Tunnel
sauceUser, // username (same as start tunnel)
tunnelOptions, // tunnelOptions (same as start tunnel)