I am working on my first raspberry-nodejs project, which I want to use a usb-webcam. I've seen that there are a lot module for interactive with a webcam via node and I have also seen the raspberry 'apt-get motion'... But does anyone know a package where I can turn the the camera on and off via a node-app. and then also define when to take pictures and where to store them?
But does anyone know a package where I can turn the the camera on and off via a node-app?
node-v4l2camera : https://github.com/bellbind/node-v4l2camera/
Capturing images from USB(UVC) webcam on Linux machines.
npm install v4l2camera
Once you got your cam
configured, with cam.start()
& cam.stop()
and then also define when to take pictures and where to store them?
var v4l2camera = require("v4l2camera");
var cam = new v4l2camera.Camera("/dev/video0");
if (cam.configGet().formatName !== "MJPG") {
console.log("NOTICE: MJPG camera required");
cam.capture(function (success) {
var frame = cam.frameRaw();