I plotted density distributions of stomach pH in Fed and Fasted states: using the following code:
plotobj <- NULL
plotobj <- ggplot(dfall)
plotobj <- plotobj + geom_density(aes(x=pH, y=..density..,colour=FED,linetype=FED),lwd=0.6)
plotobj <- plotobj + scale_x_continuous(name="Stomach pH\n", breaks=(seq(1,7,1)))
plotobj <- plotobj + scale_y_continuous(name="Distribution density\n")
plotobj <- plotobj + scale_colour_brewer(name="Fed status", palette="Set1")
I wanted to use different linetype and colour as apprears in the figure.
Question: Instead of having two legends as appears in the figure, is there a way I can modify the code so the color and linetype appear in one legend?
The scales need to have the same names.
You can either change scale_colour_brewer(name="Fed status", palette="Set1")
to scale_colour_brewer(name="FED", palette="Set1")
or you can add this to what you have
plotobj + scale_linetype_manual(name = "Fed Status", values = c("solid", "dashed"))