I have a TableView that's constantly changing (cells are inserted and removed) inside a ScrollView. I have disabled scrolling for the TableView because there's a MapView above the TableView and I want to scroll the entire View, not just the TableView when the user scrolls up. Since cells are constantly being inserted and deleted into the TableView, the height for the TableView won't be fixed for the entire time the app is running.
I'm trying to constantly set the height of the TableView to match the height of the sum of the content inside by doing,
func someFunc() {
// call viewDidAppear to update TableView
// Calculate the size of the ScrollView
var y: CGFloat = 10
y = mapView.bounds.size.height + tableView.bounds.size.height + 10
var sz = scrollView.bounds.size
sz.height = y
scrollView.contentSize = sz
// Update the TableView on main thread
override viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> Void in
var frame: CGRect = self.tableView.frame
frame.size.height = self.tableView.contentSize.height
self.tableView.bounds.size.height = frame.size.height
However, tableView.bounds.size.height is not getting updated to the new height of content. Actually it updates sometimes, maybe once every few calls. I'm almost certain it's because dispatch_asyn() is an asynchronous method. So, I might need to return in the method to solve this, but I'm not sure how.
Am I doing this correctly to accomplish what I need? Is there a better way to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated.
I figured out how to do this, just in case any one else needs to implement something similar.
Once you've connected your Table View with an outlet and added the UITableViewDelegate
and UITableViewDataSource
protocols to your View Controller you can programmatically set the height of a Table View Cell by doing
self.tableView.rowHeight = 100.0
in your viewDidLoad()
Then, if you're Table View data is coming from an array, you can reset the height of your tableView
to be
self.tableView.bounds.height = CGFloat(dataArray.count) * (self.tableView.rowHeight)
Notice how you have to cast the length of the dataArray to CGFloat because self.tableView.bounds.height
is of Type CGFloat.
Now the height of your Table View is the height of the sum of all its cells.