I have many files that have this structure that have two columns of numbers. And I want to add each line value of the second column, for all of my files, so I'll end up with only one file. Can anyone help? Hope the question was clear enough. Thanks.
The following is based on the information OP provided in his comments here above:
The basic idea is to start with an empty summary (file tot
), paste
one after the other each file with tot
and sum 2 and 4 columns (if present) into the second column of the new tot
In other words...
$ touch tot ; for f in * ; do paste tot ${f} | awk '{ if ( NF > 3 ) { print $1, $2+$4 } else { print $1, $2 } }' > tmp ; mv tmp tot ; done
I did test it with 8 different files and seems to work as expected.
Of course for f in *
has to be changed in order to capture ALL and ONLY the files we want to sum.