I'm building a small project for my android phone using kivy. I am trying to get the android back key to do a make Toast saying 'press back again to exit', and then exit when the back key is pressed twice. I checked online and saw a tutorial on how to do this. I had to useimport android
but the problem is that it just doesn't work on my phone. Not on kivy launcher when i tested it. I even compiled to an android apk using buildozer, but it still doesn't work. Please im still very new to kivy and android api. Help me get this right. Or if there is another way to do this i also appreciate it. Please include an example in your response.
Hello guys I finally found the problem. The import android actually works. The problem was that I used it wrongly . I was trying to do a makeToast like dis 'android.makeToast'. Evidently dat was wrong. Found out there was another way to do it with pyjnius. Thanks so ooo much for your assistance