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Saving a Pipeline with DecisionTreeModel Spark ML


I have a Spark ML pipeline that contains a VectorAssembler, StringIndexer, and a DecisionTreeClassifier. Using this pipeline I am able to successfully fit the model and transform my data frame. I would like to store this model for future use, but I keep getting the following error:

Pipeline write will fail on this Pipeline because it contains a stage which does not implement Writable. 
Non-Writable stage: dtc_9c04161ed2d1 of type class

What I have tried:

val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(assembler, labelIndexer, dt))
val model =

This works properly when I remove the classifier (i.e. dt). Is there a way of saving a DecisionTreeClassifier model?

My data consists of some indexed categorical values that I must map back to their original form (I know this will require using IndexToString). I am using Spark 1.6.


  • This cannot be done as of Spark 1.6. The issue is being tracked here.