I am looking for a good way to implement a TreeView in VB.net whose contextMenuStrip is variant based on the state of a different object in the form.
Specifically, in the 'TreeView' below, when the object state=1 display contextMenuStrip1 on items, and when state=2 display contextMenuStrip2 on items.
So far, I've been implementing context menus like the code below, and adding the contextMenuStrip when I create the node.
Dim Context1 As ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip
AddHandler Context1.Items.Add("Delete Item").Click, AddressOf DeleteSub
| + TreeNode1
| + TreeNode2
| + TreeNode3
| |- Item1
| |- Item2
| |- Item3
I have no idea what this object is which determines the menu to use, so I used a CheckBox
. If the object in question is something like that, you could reassign the ContextMenuStrip
when the state changes - in this case, using the CheckChange
Private Sub chkShow2_CheckedChanged(sender...
If chkShow2.Checked Then
tv1.ContextMenuStrip = cms2
tv1.ContextMenuStrip = cms1
End If
End Sub
If the state isnt known until the moment the menu is needed, re/assign the menu in the MouseDown
event for the TreeView
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
If chkShow2.Checked Then
tv1.ContextMenuStrip = cms2
tv1.ContextMenuStrip = cms1
End If
End If
You can also show the menu manually, rather than assign it to the control:
Private Sub tv1_MouseDown(sender ...
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then
If chkShow2.Checked Then
cms2.Show(tv1, e.Location)
cms1.Show(tv1, e.Location)
End If
End If
End Sub
Would it also be possible to append a number to the contextMenuStrip item?
Yes. You can add/change or delete menu items before it shows. For instance, if you had nodes {A, B, C}
, and wanted to implement a Move To...
item, when it opens over and item in node B, disable that destination.