I have array like this
text_id_array=["1011", "1012", "1013"]
I want to pass it to mysql procedure for update columns where it matches with array members so i tried
UPDATE chat_texts a SET a.read_by=a.read_by+1 WHERE a.text_id IN (text_id_array);
but it only works on first member of array 1011. I know there is a lot of question like that but i couldn't find the solution. Thanks for helps!
Now i found it. Thanks for recommend to use FIND_IN_SET but also i have noticed that i should change my param to VARCHAR. So there it is
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `aa`(IN `text_array_id` VARCHAR(255))
UPDATE chat_texts a SET a.read_by=a.read_by+1 WHERE FIND_IN_SET(a.text_id, text_array_id);