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layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath doesn't return the actual position when performing peek and pop

I am trying to implement Peek and Pop to preview the image on photo library with the following code:

func previewingContext(previewingContext: UIViewControllerPreviewing, viewControllerForLocation location: CGPoint) -> UIViewController? {
    if let indexPath = self.collectionView!.indexPathForItemAtPoint(location), cellAttributes = self.collectionView!.layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath(indexPath) {

        previewingContext.sourceRect = cellAttributes.frame

    let selectedPhotoAsset = self.allPhotos[self.selectedPhotoIndexPath![0].item] as! PHAsset

    guard let displayImageDetailVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("DisplayImageDetailVC") as? DisplayImageViewController else {
        print("Error instantiate DisplayImageDetail View Controller")
        return nil

    displayImageDetailVC.selectedPhotoAsset = selectedPhotoAsset

    return displayImageDetailVC

Even though it works, but the problem is after the collection view scrolled, the preview area sometimes is not at the exact cell's position when trying to peek. enter image description here

Is there any way that I can get the actual position of the cell?


  • I have found the solution for this issue, turns out it is related to registerForPreviewingWithDelegate.

    Instead of

    registerForPreviewingWithDelegate(self, sourceView: view)

    It should be

    registerForPreviewingWithDelegate(self, sourceView: self.collectionView!)