I am currently working on an Android app in which I use a FloatingActionButton. I would like to use the speed dial to have multiple actions that spin/jump out of the action button as described in this page by Google on Android design, or as could be seen in an earlier version of the Keep app (sorry, but I can only post one link). I am using the Android Design Support library specifically version 23.1.1 (com.android.support:design:23.1.1). I already searched using Google and looked at the reference for the FloatingActionButton but couldn't find anything concerning the speed dial.
I would like to know if there is a way to easily achieve this using the default FloatingActionButton, or if I have to program all transitions/animations manually?
Additionally I would like to have little labels next to the buttons, describing the action, if possible.
Thank you in advance!
I would like to know if there is a way to easily achieve this using the default FloatingActionButton
FAB from Design Library does not have this feature. You need to look for 3rd party FABs (there's a few on android-arsenal to choose from)