I need to be able tp read in file by line and find a set of strings (from another file) that starts with the strings plus set of characters like ({ somedata }) then append the line with a ## to that block.
Here is what I have so far:
set mydir <path to my dir>
#file name file.txt with content:
~>cat file.txt
Strng00 {
some data
Strng021 {
some data
Strng02 {
some data
Strng03 {
some data
Strng_dt {
some data
Strng01 {
some data
Strng02 {
some data
Strng03 {
some data
Strng_dt {
some data
Strng42 {
some data
set list { Strng01 Strng02 Strng03 Strng_dt Strng42 } # May be read in the list from another file which needs to be matched
set fileIn [lindex $argv 0]
set fileInId [open $mydir/file.txt r]
set appendLine 0
foreach item $list {
set j 0
while {[gets $fileInId line ] != -1} {
if [regexp -all -line $item $line] { set appendLine 1 }
if $appendLine {
if [regexp {^\s*\}\s*$} $line] { set appendLine 0 }
set line "## $line"
puts $line
set j 1
The result only shows the first entry of the list:
##Strng01 {
## some data
I'd like to get ## after each of the items listed.. Thanks in advance.`
Here's another take:
while {[gets $fh line] != -1} {
set first [lindex [split [string trimleft $line]] 0]
puts [format "%s%s" [expr {$first in $list ? "##" : ""}] $line]
That finds the first word in the line, and checks if it is an element in $list.