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Twitter query fails with exception "Method 'HttpClientHandler.set_AutomaticDecompression' not found"

I'm using Xamarin and LinqToTwitter plugin. What I want is just to fetch messages with some tag. But even simplest query fails because of error "Method 'HttpClientHandler.set_AutomaticDecompression' not found".

            var context = GetTwitterContext();

            var searchResponses = ( from search in context.Search 
                                    where search.Type == SearchType.Search && search.Query == "Xamarin"
                                    select search.Statuses).SingleOrDefault();

            var tweets = from tweet in searchResponses
                select new Message
                Value = tweet.Text,
                Id = tweet.TweetIDs,
                ImageUri = tweet.User.ProfileImageUrl,
                UserName = tweet.User.ScreenNameResponse,
                Name = tweet.User.Name,
                CreatedAt = tweet.CreatedAt,
                ReTweets = tweet.RetweetCount,
                Favorite = tweet.FavoriteCount.Value

            return tweets.ToList();
        catch (Exception ex)

When I look at the exception, there's a source: "mscorlib". So I'm wondering what can be wrong, because it seems like plugin Microsoft.Bcl.Compression is OK.

Also I changed my packages.config "LinkToTwitter" to lowercase "linqtotwitter" but it barely helps.

Will be grateful for any help.


  • LINQ to Twitter has a dependency on HttpClient. You should install that from NuGet Microsoft HTTP Client Libraries.