I need to send a job spool by email in SAP.
Exactly they are some jobs from SAP Query SQ01.
I know there are two ways to do it:
In SBWP Workplace I have added in my own list my email address to test it but I don't know how to plan the spool in order to be sent by email.
Could you please help?
P.S. The Spool List Recipient is unavailable. The following is the error message when I clik on it: "There is no recipient list for the job spool"
Thanks, best regards
Go to transaction "SCOT"
Click on "SMTP"
Fill the values correctly and click "Settings" --> "Default Domain"
Enter a default domain (example.com)
Click on "Job"
Click on "New" button and select "Schedule Job for INT"
Enter a valid "Period"
Lastly, click on "Start Immediately"
Now you can check send requests via using transaction "SCOT".