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Task scheduler. VBS script is not being executed

I've created a vbs to retrieve the attachments from Outlook unread emails and store them into a folder.


Dim SavePath
Dim Subject
Dim FileExtension
Dim k

SavePath = "D:\IN\"
Subject = "'Replication IN'"

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6) 'Inbox

Set colItems = objFolder.Items
Set colFilteredItems = colItems.Restrict("[Unread]=true")
Set colFilteredItems = colFilteredItems.Restrict("[Subject] = " & Subject)

For k = colFilteredItems.Count to 1 step -1
  set objMessage  = colFilteredItems.Item(k)
  intCount = objMessage.Attachments.Count
    If intCount > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To intCount
                objMessage.Attachments.Item(i).SaveAsFile SavePath &  _
        objMessage.Unread = False
    End If

Now, I've to automatize this task and once done, execute another program which will process the received attachments. To do that, I've created a batch file.


ECHO. *  Retrieving emails ... *
ECHO. *  Importing data. Please wait ... *

I've no problems and everything works fine when executing the .bat file. But when this file is executed by a scheduled task the script is not able to read the emails neither collect the attachments.

I've checked the following:

  • The task is running as Administrator
  • Run with highest privileges checkbox is ticked.
  • Last execution status of task is Correct.
  • There is no related error in the Event Log Viewer.

What could be the cause?


  • Outlook, just like any other Office app, cannot be used in a service (that is what Task Scheduler is).

    You can use Extended MAPI (C++ or Delphi only) or a wrapper such as Redemption (I am its author - any language), it's RDO family of objects can be used in a service.

    You might also want to add a call to Namepace.Logon:

    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    Set objFolder = objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6) 'Inbox