Recently the iOS part of ROBOVM project started crashing on 32bit devices similar like it was in the past ( Can't run RealTimeRoom Google-Play-Games iOS ButtonClicker2000 sample on real device).
At that time the problem was in sdk itself. And crash was showing up with log message
"INFO: Token expired. Refreshing."
Now crashing on the same place in UI quickmatching process. The difference this time is in the log. There I see:
INFO: Auth operation started: SIGN IN
INFO: Auth operation SIGN IN finished with status VALID
VERBOSE: Automatically seeded snapshot cache.
VERBOSE: Automatically seeded achievement cache.
VERBOSE: Automatically seeded event cache.
INFO: Connect with retry.getRetryAuthToken(): 1
INFO: Token expired. Refreshing.
VERBOSE: Auth token refresh returned without error.
INFO: Trying to connect with returned auth token.
Have someone faced this problem? Any help is very appreciated.
This issue has been resolved with new version of GPGS c++ SDK.