I have recently implemented Microsoft OAuth2 to retrieve data from the Graph API (and more). Now I wan't to integrate with some of the social functions in the Yammer API but I can't find any info whether this is possible.
It seems unnecessary for me to have to force the user to auth against two different OAuth endpoints when judging from Yammer Embed, the Microsoft SSO is enough to authenticate in (Microsoft-owned!) Yammer as well.
Maybe I'm just not understanding OAuth enough, but it does mean that I will have to authenticate first against MS OAuth2, then to Yammer OAuth2.
EDIT: Just after I posted this, I found the "Yammer impersonation" page which I missed earlier: https://developer.yammer.com/docs/impersonation It is very short on details, is this a viable way to avoid the user actively having to sign in to Yammer?
We have a paid Microsoft service including most applications, btw.
Further EDIT: I mainly want to use the API to get some statistics on nr of likes on a post etc., not really any personal info at this point.
If you register your app with AzureAD you can require scopes for the Graph API and the Yammer API at the same time. There will be then only one OAuth flow and one consent screen.