I'm new to auto layout constraints. In my application there are 3 buttons in one line. Now I want to set the constraints programatically as shown in the image below:
If there is one, then the button show in center horizontally. If two buttons are enable, then second line shown in same image as three image.
My approach is to setting all buttons centerX
to superview's centerX
at the beginning.
IBOutletCollection(UIButton) NSArray *allButtons;
//3 buttons' references
IBOutletCollection(NSLayoutConstraint) NSArray *allButtonCenterConstraints;
//buttons' centerX constraints' references
and then if in viewDidAppear:
int t = arc4random() %3;// one of the 3 cases you will need
if (t == 0) {//if you want all 3 buttons appears
//all buttons shown
NSLayoutConstraint *c1 = allButtonCenterConstraints[0];//first button's centerX reference.
NSLayoutConstraint *c2 = allButtonCenterConstraints[2];//third button's centerX reference.
c1.constant = -self.view.frame.size.width*0.25;//push left
c2.constant = +self.view.frame.size.width*0.25;//push right
else if (t == 1)
//two buttons shown;
[allButtons[0] setHidden:YES];// close the one you dont need
NSLayoutConstraint *c1 = allButtonCenterConstraints[1];
NSLayoutConstraint *c2 = allButtonCenterConstraints[2];
c1.constant = -self.view.frame.size.width*0.125;
c2.constant = +self.view.frame.size.width*0.125;
//close 2 buttons
[allButtons[0] setHidden:YES];
[allButtons[1] setHidden:YES];
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
if you need something depends on the width of buttons, you can set the constants according to the width of buttons.