I'm trying to test a class that takes "events" from another library and re-dispatches them as Signals/pyqtSignals.
I'm trying to test it by:
But the handler never gets called. Or at least it's not getting called by the time I check for it. If I run the lines of the test function one-by-one in a console, the test is successful.
I think the problem is that the Signals aren't getting processed until after the test function completes, but if that's the case, how would I go about testing them?
Here is an example of how I'm trying to test:
from mock import Mock
def test_object():
obj = MyObject()
handler = Mock()
# This connects handler to a Signal/pyqtSignal
obj.connect('event_type', handler)
# This should trigger that signal
# This fails (call_count is 0)
assert handler.call_count = 1
# This will also fail (call_count is 0)
assert handler.call_count = 1
You might need to run a local event loop when waiting for the signals to be dispatched.
Since you seem to be using pytest (if not, you should consider to!), I'd recommend the pytest-qt plugin. With it, you could write your test like this:
def test_object(qtbot):
obj = MyObject()
with qtbot.waitSignal(obj.event_type, raising=True):