I have a blog where I use custom fonts from Google Fonts in each and every text of the <body>
element, but whenever there is an inverted comma or a double inverted comma in my text, it is not shown as it should be - it is replaced by an unknown character.
I had even looked into the font and there is the character support for the inverted commas.
I don't think this has anything to do with your font.
If you look at the source code you will see the characters already are broken there:
This rather is a problem of your encoding. Your site is UTF-8, but the characters seem to be non-UTF-8. You either need to use UTF-8 characters or change the encoding of your site. (1st option is preferable) If you change the site encoding to Windows-1252 (which is automatically suggested by Chrome based on the content) everything seems fine:
The question is how did you create this text? Maybe in Word and then copy and pasted? Or is your blog backend not UTF-8?
Also note there are two different characters: ’
vs ´