I'm trying to copy a file from a Ubuntu server to my mac but I keep receiving a No such file or directory error.
After I ssh in I'm using:
scp -p 8888 me@xx1.xx1.xx1.xx1:/var/www/html/00000001.jpg /Users/myusername/Documents/
But receive the error:
/Users/myusername/Documents/: No such file or directory
Is this error telling me that there is no such file or directory on my local machine? Any advice as to how to fix would be greatly appreciated.
Don't ssh in to your server first. Just execute that scp command from your local machine.
Also, the -p
should be capitalized (according to the manpage on my machine), so:
scp -P 8888 your_username@remotehost.edu:/var/www/html/00000001.jpg /Users/myusername/Documents/