I made an Android project out of this code here:Call history android studio
There were a few bugs I ironed out, like changing paddingbottom to paddingBottom and so on in the activity_main.xml, and now the only problem I'm having is with calldata. Everywhere it comes up in my project, it's in red, and when I put the mouse over it I get, 'cannot resolve symbol calldata'
The only error that's different is when I put the mouse over :
public class CustomAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<calldata>{
The error is:
'getItem(int)' in 'android.widget.ArrayAdapter' clashes with 'getItem(int)' in 'android.widget.Adapter'; attempting to use incompatible return type
'cannot resolve symbol calldata'
In all the other areas in the project where calldata is referenced, namely:
CustomAdapter.java :
private List <calldata> listdata=null;
public CustomAdapter(Activity context, List <calldata> calldata) {
MainActivity.java :
private List <calldata>list = new ArrayList<calldata>();
I get the message:
'cannot resolve symbol calldata'
Could anybody tell me what I need to add to my code to fix this? Thanks.
From the link you shared the file name is CallData.java, use appropriate file/class name to avoid errors.