I want to load and manipulate SKUIImageColorAnalyzer
objects from the private StoreKitUI.framework
First, I attempt to load the framework at runtime:
guard case let libHandle = dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StoreKitUI.framework/StoreKitUI", RTLD_NOW) where libHandle != nil else {
fatalError("StoreKitUI not found")
Then, I verify that the SKUIImageColorAnalyzer
class can be found:
guard let analyzerClass: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("SKUIImageColorAnalyzer") else {
fatalError("SKUIImageColorAnalyzer lookup failed")
I want to use the analyzeImage:
class method on SKUIImageColorAnalyzer
, which takes in a UIImage
for analysis and returns an SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
object. I do this by verifying the analyzeImage:
selector exists on the SKUIImageColorAnalyzer
object, and recreate the function:
let selector: Selector = "analyzeImage:"
guard case let method = class_getClassMethod(analyzerClass, selector) where method != nil else {
fatalError("failed to look up \(selector)")
// recreate the method's implementation function
typealias Prototype = @convention(c) (AnyClass, Selector, UIImage) -> AnyObject? // returns an SKUIAnalyzedImageColors object
let opaqueIMP = method_getImplementation(method)
let function = unsafeBitCast(opaqueIMP, Prototype.self)
Now, I can get a UIImage
object and pass that in as the argument to the function:
let img = UIImage(named: "someImage.jpg")!
let analyzedImageColors = function(analyzerClass, selector, img) // <SKUIAnalyzedImageColors: 0x7f90d3408eb0>
I know that analyzedImageColors
is of type SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
, but the compiler still thinks its type is AnyObject
based on the way I declared Prototype
above. Now I want to access the properties of an SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
From the header, I can see that there are properties such as backgroundColor
, textPrimaryColor
, and textSecondaryColor
on the object. I can access these properties using valueForKey
, but I'd like to expose a public interface on SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
so I can access these properties.
My first attempt was something like this:
// Create a "forward declaration" of the class
class SKUIAnalyzedImageColors: NSObject { }
// Create convenience extensions for accessing properties
extension SKUIAnalyzedImageColors {
func backgroundColor() -> UIColor {
return self.valueForKey("_backgroundColor") as! UIColor
func textPrimaryColor() -> UIColor {
return self.valueForKey("_textPrimaryColor") as! UIColor
func textSecondaryColor() -> UIColor {
return self.valueForKey("_textSecondaryColor") as! UIColor
// ...
// modify the prototype to return an SKUIAnalyzedImageColors object
typealias Prototype = @convention(c) (AnyClass, Selector, UIImage) -> SKUIAnalyzedImageColors?
// ...
// access the properties from the class extension
analyzedImageColors?.backgroundColor() // Optional(UIDeviceRGBColorSpace 0.262745 0.231373 0.337255 1)
This still requires me to use valueForKey
. Is there a way to expose a public interface on a class from a framework loaded at runtime?
The easiest way to do dynamic Objective-C stuff is to use Objective-C.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface SKUIAnalyzedImageColors : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIColor* backgroundColor;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isBackgroundLight;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIColor* textPrimaryColor;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIColor* textSecondaryColor;
SKUIAnalyzedImageColors* _Nullable analyzeImage(UIImage* image);
#import "ImageColorAnalyzer.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
static Class _SKUIImageColorAnalyzerClass;
@interface SKUIImageColorAnalyzer : NSObject
+ (SKUIAnalyzedImageColors*)analyzeImage:(UIImage*)arg1;
SKUIAnalyzedImageColors* analyzeImage(UIImage* image)
if (!_SKUIImageColorAnalyzerClass)
if (!dlopen("/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StoreKitUI.framework/StoreKitUI", RTLD_NOW))
NSLog(@"No framework.");
return nil;
_SKUIImageColorAnalyzerClass = NSClassFromString(@"SKUIImageColorAnalyzer");
if (!_SKUIImageColorAnalyzerClass)
NSLog(@"No Class.");
return nil;
return [_SKUIImageColorAnalyzerClass analyzeImage:image];
You can then use the analyzeImage
function and the SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
class easily from either Swift or Objective-C code.
if let image = UIImage(named:"MyImage") {
if let colors = analyzeImage(image) {
print("Background Color: \(colors.backgroundColor)")
If you really want to do it all in Swift, first declare the parts of the SKUIAnalyzedImageColors
Objective-C interface you want to use:
@objc protocol ImageColors {
var backgroundColor: UIColor { get }
var isBackgroundLight: Bool { get }
var textPrimaryColor: UIColor { get }
var textSecondaryColor: UIColor { get }
Then use unsafeBitCast
to cast the opaque object instance to your desired Objective-C interface:
let img = UIImage(named: "someImage.jpg")!
let rawAnalyzedImageColors = function(analyzerClass, selector, img)
let analyzedImageColors = unsafeBitCast(rawAnalyzedImageColors, ImageColors.self)
print("Background color: \(analyzedImageColors.backgroundColor)")