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Linux Remote server cap production deploy

cap aborted! SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as bundle exit status: 20 bundle stdout: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gem is missing from the DEPENDENCIES section: 'bcrypt' bundle stderr: Nothing written

SSHKit::Command::Failed: bundle exit status: 20 bundle stdout: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gem is missing from the DEPENDENCIES section: 'bcrypt' bundle stderr: Nothing written

Tasks: TOP => deploy:updated => bundler:install (See full trace by running task with --trace) The deploy has failed with an error: Exception while executing as bundle exit status: 20 bundle stdout: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following gem is missing from the DEPENDENCIES section: 'bcrypt' bundle stderr: Nothing written


  • First, try to delete your Gemfile.lock and run bundle install. If that will not help try to downgrade the bundler version as in question post