I am trying to loop over a nested list in my posts font matter and display an associated image (using svg) for each nested item
post front matter:
layout: post
title: title of this post
- name: tee
- name: mobile
using a for loop in my post.html file
{% for item in page.spec %}
<svg class='spec-icon'><use xlink:href="#icons_{{item.name}}"/</svg>
{% endfor %}
I would like this to render like below
<svg class='spec-icon'><use xlink:href="#icons_tee"/></svg>
<svg class='spec-icon'><use xlink:href="#icons_mobile"/></svg>
for every neseted name:vale pair under spec:, I would like there to be a unique svg element created with that nested value included in the #id
Try this:
layout: post
title: title of this post
spec: [tee, mobile]
{% for item in page.spec %}
<svg class='spec-icon'><use xlink:href="#icons_{{ item }}"/</svg>
{% endfor %}
Hope to have helped! Let me know if this works, yeah?