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error in using fftoneside

Hi I'm trying to calculate mfcc for which i'm windowing. I have seen this one post I'm getting error in fftOneSide.
my code is

    [y, fs]=wavread(waveFile);


    [mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs);
    [mag2, phase2, freq2]=fftOneSide(windowed, fs);

    subplot(3,2,1); plot(original); grid on; axis([-inf inf -1 1]); 
    title('Original signal');
    subplot(3,2,2); plot(windowed); grid on; axis([-inf inf -1 1]);  
    subplot(3,2,3); plot(freq1, mag1); grid on; 
    title('Energy spectrum (linear scale)');
    subplot(3,2,4); plot(freq2, mag2); grid on; 
    title('Energy spectrum (linear scale)');
    subplot(3,2,5); plot(freq1, 20*log(mag1)); grid on; 
    axis([-inf inf -80 120]); title('Energy spectrum (db)');
    subplot(3,2,6); plot(freq2, 20*log(mag2)); grid on; axis([-inf inf -80 120]);  
    title('Energy spectrum (db)');

the error i'm getting is

    ??? Undefined function or method 'fftOneSide' for input arguments of type 'double'.

any help is appreciated thanks


  • This is a really old post, it'd be neat if someone still cared. I just provided what I believe to be the answer in the recent post below, which I arrived at after a fair bit of frustration: Undefined function 'fftOneSide' for input arguments of type 'double'.

    It should be noted here there's a call to a file, which I'm not sure if the author had originally or not. I suspect all the problems are related to a similarly named file in the sourcecode.

    If you look at my discussion in the other post, within the function definition there is a call to a method demo with a file - which isn't present if you just have the function definition, not the original file. Calling [mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs,1), after you comment out the first line if nargin <1... and the demo routine worked fine on my machine with the code which I'll show below. Having the third argument equal to 1 guarantees that the code will run the print routines, which is important.

    In case the other thread is closed, I just want to show the output, when the input is manually defined, and I call [mag1, phase1, freq1]=fftOneSide(original, fs,1) on the properly edited method, with the inputs as in the original post shown below (notice the call is to original in the other post it was like this as well.. I believe the call was was meant to be instead for windowed, but I don't have the signals toolbox with hamming anyways):

    t=(1:512)'/fs; %'// <-- prevents string markdown
    % windowed=original.*hamming(length(t)); % defined in other post
    [mag1,phase1,freq1]=fftOneSide(original,fs); % I call fftOneSide(original,fs,1);

    The output is as follows (source code below!)

    output from fftOneSide

    Anyways, here's the source code in case anyone wants to use this function

    function [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs, plotOpt) 
    % fftOneSide: One-sided FFT for real signals 
    %   Usage: [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs) 
    %   For example: 
    %       [y, fs]=wavread('welcome.wav'); 
    %       frameSize=512; 
    %       startIndex=2047; 
    %       signal=y(startIndex:startIndex+frameSize+1); 
    %       signal=signal.*hamming(length(signal)); 
    %       plotOpt=1; 
    %       [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=fftOneSide(signal, fs, plotOpt); 
    %   Roger Jang, 20060411, 20070506 
    if nargin<1, selfdemo; return; end %=== (MathBio: Comment this out!)
    if nargin<2, fs=1; end 
    if nargin<3, plotOpt=0; end 
    N = length(signal);         % Signal length 
    freqStep = fs/N;            % Frequency resolution 
    time = (0:N-1)/fs;          % Time vector 
    z = fft(signal);            % Spectrum 
    freq = freqStep*(0:N/2);        % Frequency vector 
    z = z(1:length(freq));          % One side 
    z(2:end-1)=2*z(2:end-1);        % Assuming N is even, symmetric data is multiplied by 2
    magSpec=abs(z);             % Magnitude spectrum 
    phaseSpec=unwrap(angle(z));     % Phase spectrum 
    powerSpecInDb=20*log(magSpec+realmin);  % Power in db 
    if plotOpt 
        % ====== Plot time-domain signals 
        plot(time, signal, '.-'); 
        title(sprintf('Input signals (fs=%d)', fs)); 
        xlabel('Time (seconds)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); axis tight 
        % ====== Plot spectral power 
        plot(freq, powerSpecInDb, '.-'); grid on 
        title('Power spectrum'); 
        xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Power (db)'); axis tight 
        % ====== Plot phase 
        plot(freq, phaseSpec, '.-'); grid on 
        xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); ylabel('Phase (Radian)'); axis tight 
    % ====== Self demo (MathBio: Comment all of this out! )
    function selfdemo 
    [y, fs]=wavread('welcome.wav'); 
    [magSpec, phaseSpec, freq, powerSpecInDb]=feval(mfilename, signal, fs, 1);