I have a bit of a unique situation. For various reasons, chiefly interoperating with a nullable stringly typed legacy system, as well as various other needs I won't go into at the moment, I've settled on a custom @:enum abstract that looks like this:
@:enum abstract MyEnum(Null<Int>) {
public var A = 0;
public var B = 1;
public var C = 2;
public var D = 3;
public var E = 4;
public var F = 5;
public var G = 6;
@:from private static function fromString (value:String):MyEnum {
return switch (value) {
case "a": A;
case "b": B;
case "c": C;
case "d": D;
case "e": E;
case "f": F;
case "g": G;
default: null;
@:to private static function toString (value:Int):String {
return switch (value) {
case A: "a";
case B: "b";
case C: "c";
case D: "d";
case E: "e";
case F: "f";
case G: "g";
default: null;
However, that's an annoyingly large amount of things to type, and when adding and removing members it's easy to make a manual error. Clearly, this follows a super predictable pattern and seems like a great thing to construct with a macro, but I am terrible at haxe macros.
Can someone explain how I could use a macro to build this enum in such a way that all I have to supply is a list of field names?
@:enum abstract MyEnum = doTheMacroMagic(["A","B","C","D","E","F","G"]);
The logical steps would be:
I think a simple practical example like this might make haxe macros finally "click" for me if I can see it in action.
Flixel handles a very similar use case in for classes like FlxKey
with FlxMacroUtil.buildMap()
. This expression macro looks for all uppercase, inline vars it finds in the abstract and generates a Map<String, EnumType>
from it, with the keys being the field names and the values the field values (or the inverse of that if invert
is true
abstract FlxKey(Int) from Int to Int
public static var fromStringMap(default, null):Map<String, FlxKey>
= FlxMacroUtil.buildMap("flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey");
public static var toStringMap(default, null):Map<FlxKey, String>
= FlxMacroUtil.buildMap("flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey", true);
var A = 65;
var B = 66;
// more keys...
public static inline function fromString(s:String)
s = s.toUpperCase();
return fromStringMap.exists(s) ? fromStringMap.get(s) : NONE;
public inline function toString():String
return toStringMap.get(this);
I'd imagine that's a good starting point. If you want to generate the entire abstract
, you will need a @:build
Answering the follow-up question, how to generate fields: This is actually quite straightforward with a build macro:
@:build(Macro.createVariables(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]))
abstract Generated(Int)
(sensible to have in its own file to avoid having to deal with #if macro
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class Macro
public static macro function createVariables(varNames:Array<String>):Array<Field>
// get the current fields of the calling type (empty array in this case)
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
for (i in 0...varNames.length)
// create a custom variable and add it to the fields
fields.push(createVariable(varNames[i], i));
return fields;
private static function createVariable(name:String, value:Int):Field
return {
name: name,
doc: null,
meta: [],
access: [Access.APublic, Access.AStatic, Access.AInline],
kind: FieldType.FVar(macro:Int, macro $v{value}),
pos: Context.currentPos()
You'll notice the fields showing up in auto-completion for Generated.
. You can also see what's been generated by looking at the Generated_Impl.dump
when doing an AST dump.