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How can I ignore certain schemas with alembic --autogenerate

I have a library that's part of a bigger project. The library uses its own schema in a (PostgreSQL) database shared with the larger project.

I want to use alembic revision --autogenerate to only generate migrations for the library's schema and ignore changes to the tables in the main/default schema. Is there any option for doing this?

FWIW, I've tried the include_schemas=False parameter to context.configure in, but it doesn't seem to do anything.


  • It seems I can use include_object in conjunction with include_schemas

    In alembic/

    def include_object(object, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
        if type_ == 'table' and object.schema != MY_SCHEMA:
            return False
        return True
    context.configure(..., include_object=include_object, ...)