I came across a problem to find optimal algorithm solving the issue: Finding minimum path in a graph from starting point to starting point(make a cycle) and visiting minimum three different nodes in the graph. For example if we have a graph G(V,E)
with V={a,b,c,d,e}
and edges E={(a,b,16),(a,c,300),(a,d,1),(b,c,100),(b,e,15),(c,a,10),(e,c,20)}
the shortest distance will be 61 and it will visit a->c->e->b->a
I think of using Dijkstra's algorithm for weighted graph, however I do not know how to implement the part for the constraint to visit minimum 3 nodes? It looks like the Hamiltonian cycle's problem but not using all the nodes but only part of them. Is this NP-complete problem?
Any help would be appreciated.
One easy way to implement this is the following:
The runtime will be dominated by the second step, which has runtime O(n3). So no, the problem is not NP-hard, because the number of different nodes we have to visit is fixed (in this case, 3).