What is the difference between the "+"
operator in ggplot2 and the "%>%"
operator in magrittr?
I was told that they are the same, however if we consider the following script.
# 1. This works
ggplot(data = mtcars, aes(x=wt, y = mpg)) + geom_point()
# 2. This works
ggplot(data = mtcars) + aes(x=wt, y = mpg) + geom_point()
# 3. This works
ggplot(data = mtcars) + aes(x=wt, y = mpg) %>% geom_point()
# 4. But this doesn't
ggplot(data = mtcars) %>% aes(x=wt, y = mpg) %>% geom_point()
Piping is very different from ggplot2
's addition. What the pipe operator, %>%
, does is take the result of the left-hand side and put it as the first argument of the function on the right-hand side. For example:
1:10 %>% mean()
# [1] 5.5
Is exactly equivalent to mean(1:10)
. The pipe is more useful to replace multiply nested functions, e.g.,
x = factor(2008:2012)
x_num = as.numeric(as.character(x))
# could be rewritten to read from left-to-right as
x_num = x %>% as.character() %>% as.numeric()
but this is all explained nicely over at What does %>% mean in R?, you should read through that for a couple more examples.
Using this knowledge, we can re-write your pipe examples as nested functions and see that they still do the same things; but now it (hopefully) is obvious why #4 doesn't work:
# 3. This is acceptable ggplot2 syntax
ggplot(data = mtcars) + geom_point(aes(x=wt, y = mpg))
# 4. This is not
geom_point(aes(ggplot(data = mtcars), x=wt, y = mpg))
includes a special "+"
method for ggplot
objects, which it uses to add layers to plots. I didn't know until you asked your question that it also works with the aes()
function, but apparently that's defined as well. These are all specially defined within ggplot2
. The use of +
in ggplot2 predates the pipe, and while the usage is similar, the functionality is quite different.
As an interesting side-note, Hadley Wickham (the creator of ggplot2) said that:
...if I'd discovered the pipe earlier, there never would've been a ggplot2, because you could write ggplot graphics as
ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) %>%
geom_point() %>%