I have a very simple code to get the longitude of the sun but when I compare the output to Astrolog and Astrodienst its incorrect, there is a 13 minute difference. I have not added Observer as I think default is midnight GMT (which is what I want). What am I doing wrong?
import ephem
start = ephem.date('2015/01/01')
end = ephem.date('2015/12/31')
f2 = open("Sun", 'w')
while start <= end:
sun = ephem.Sun(start)
ecl = ephem.Ecliptic(sun)
f2.write(str(ephem.date(start))+' '+ str(ecl.lon) +'\n')
Example of results for 2015/12/30:
code - 2015/12/30 00:00:00 277:43:36.6
Astrodienst - 7°56'39 Cap
The reason why the 13 minute difference is because of the epoch setting, when I added
sun = ephem.Sun(start, epoch = start)
the results were the same as swiss ephemeris.