Runtime Error 429 -ActiveX Component Can't Create Object
This error comes up when my program executes the following lines.
Private WithEvents CommClient As XXcommClient
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'Initializes the CommClient object.
Set CommClient = CreateObject("COMMLIBXLibCtl.XXcommClient") 'errors here
what is missing? >_< i've already added XXCommLibX.dll as a reference in this project (and it contains the class definitions (i think that's what they're called) for XXcommClient and XXcommServer)
i'm running this on win8.1. i've already changed the access permissions and stuff in mmc comexp.msc /32 for "XXCom.XxInfo" (which contains the above code). the settings btw are none, everyone can edit, and interactive user.
can someone please point me to the right direction? i've been going in circles for the past few days huhuhuhuhu
@Bob77 had it right. It was actually a) i did not have the dll registered properly.
XXCommLibX.dll was actually dependent on three other .dlls and two .exes. This detail was actually mentioned in the manual. It's embarrassing, really.
After properly registering the dll, i went back to using this line:
Set CommClient = new XXcommClient
... and it worked. >.<