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Disable Log::info in production using Laravel

I assumed that by default the Log::info calls wouldn't log in production, but they are still coming in.

Im setting production using my .env file


Ive tried these commands as well, but no luck

composer dump-autoload
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan optimize

Am i missing something?


  • Well, I think that it's too late to search for all the Log::info() and do the proposed answer by @jon__o

    if (App::environment('local', 'staging')) {

    But you can still do something. You can override the default Laravel logger instance with your own implementation.

    Go to your ApplicationServiceProvider and override the log instance with a custom one:

     * Register any application services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
     * Register the logger instance in the container.
     * @return MyCustomWriter
    protected function registerLogger()
        $this->app->instance('log', $log = new MyCustomWriter(
            new Monolog($this->app->environment()), $app['events'])
        $log->dontLogInfoOnEnvironmnets(['production', 'staging', 'other']);
        return $log;

    Now you can create your custom writer by just extending the Laravel's Writer and overriding the info() method.

    class MyCustomWriter extends \Illuminate\Log\Writer
        protected $dontInfoOn = [];
         * Log an informational message to the logs.
         * @param  string  $message
         * @param  array  $context
         * @return void
        public function info($message, array $context = [])
            // Since we are providing the app environment to the Monolog instance in out ApplicationServiceProvider
            // we can get the environment from the Monolog getName() method
            if(!in_array($this->monolog->getName(), $this->dontInfoOn)) {
                return parent::info($message, $context);
         * Don't log info() on the supplied environments .
         * @param  array  $environments
         * @return void
        public function dontLogInfoOnEnvironmnets(array $environments)
            $this->dontInfoOn = $environments;

    This way, you can still keep you Log::info on testing environments without checking every time.