Search code examples

sparql how to sub query into another query

I have this data

@prefix : <http://test.example/> .

:alice :likes :beethoven.
:alice :likes :verdi.
:sofia :likes :beethoven.
:sofia :likes :verdi.
:sofia :likes :rossini.
:ania :likes :verdi.
:ania :likes :beethoven.
:ania :likes :david.
:david :likes :ania.
:david :likes :beethoven.
:david :likes :verdi.
:antonino :likes :verdi.
:antonino :likes :mozart.
:weirdo :likes :katyperry.
:beethoven a :recommendable.
:verdi a :recommendable.
:rossini a :recommendable.
:katyperry a :recommendable.
:mozart a :recommendable.

and I make a query to get the users that likes the same items as a specific user

select ?anotherUser (COUNT(?anotherItem) as ?countOfItems) WHERE {
  values ?user {:ania}
  ?anotherUser :likes ?anotherItem.
  filter (?anotherUser != ?user)
  filter exists {?user :likes ?anotherItem}
}group by ?anotherUser
order by desc(?countOfItems)

now I want to get the items that these users like (but of course without the items that they share with that specific user (:ania))

I know I have to include a query inside the other, I tried a lot myself but no success, could you help please?


  • now I want to get the items that these users like (but of course without the items that they share with that specific user (:ania))

    I know I have to include a query inside the other, I tried a lot myself but no success, could you help please?

    I believe the main thing to keep in mind is that subqueries are evaluated foremost i.e. the query is evaluated from the innermost first, to the outermost.

    So the following query:

    prefix : <http://test.example>
    select distinct ?user ?anotherUser ?item WHERE {
      ?anotherUser :likes ?item.
      filter not exists {?user :likes ?item}
      {select ?user ?anotherUser where {
        values ?user {:ania}
        ?anotherUser :likes ?anotherItem.
        filter (?anotherUser != ?user)
        filter exists {?user :likes ?anotherItem}

    will produce the result:

    | user  | anotherUser | item     |
    | :ania | :sofia      | :rossini |
    | :ania | :antonino   | :mozart  |
    | :ania | :david      | :ania    |

    which is what you asked for right?