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Google Fusion Table - Geocode... grayed out

I am following a tutorial on I have imported exercise data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a Google Spreadsheet and now I'm trying to create a fusion table.

The spreadsheet contains only two columns (Gas Station Name and Address).

enter image description here

According to the tutorial, all addresses should be highlighted yellow, because they need to be Geocoded.

enter image description here

But when I follow the exact steps and go to File / Geocode... that option is grayed out.

enter image description here

I've noticed that the tutorial is a little dated and Google Drive has changed a bit but for the most part the functionality is still there. So, how to Geocode now with the latest version?


  • Using the "hint" I got from geocodezip I deleted everything and started from the beginning, looking for any posibility to change the "Address" column have the type "Location" and I found it. Here are the steps to follow for enabling Geocode from the very beginning:

    Step 1) Create a new Google Spreadsheet:

    New Google Sheet

    Step 2) Import the Excel Spreadsheet.

    File Import

    Step 3) Upload the Excel Spreadsheet (if you haven't already).

    Upload File

    Step 4) Select Replace Spreadsheet to import.

    Replace Spreadsheet

    Step 5) Click the Import button.

    Click Import

    Now you have a new Google Spreadsheet with imported data.

    Imported Spreadsheet

    Step 6) Create a new Google Fusion Table.

    enter image description here

    Step 7) Select Google Spreadsheets to import the data from the newly created Google Spreadsheet.

    enter image description here

    Step 8) Select the spreadsheet.

    enter image description here

    Step 9) Click Select button and WAIT!!!!

    enter image description here

    Step 10) When the table appears, click the Next button.

    Import Table

    Step 11) Accept the defaults and select Finish.

    enter image description here

    Now, you have a new Google Fusion Table.

    ------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT ---------------------------------------------------

    This is where you change a column to enable Geocoding!!

    Step 12) With the Google Fusion Table opened, click on Edit and select Change columns.

    Change Column Type

    Step 13) From the popup window, select the column to geocode and change its type to Location.

    Found It

    Step 14) Select Save and the Fusion Table will now display with the address column highlighted in yellow indicating they need to be Geocoded.

    enter image description here

    Step 15) Select File and Geocode...

    enter image description here

    Step 16) Select the Location column to geocode and click the Begin geocoding button.

    enter image description here

    The geocoding is in progress.

    enter image description here

    When complete, click the browser refresh and the yellow will be gone. This means that the column has been geocoded and can now be mapped.

    Step 17) If map tab is not there already, click on the + tab and select Add map.

    enter image description here

    And the map will display:

    enter image description here