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Printing debug output into browser console in Symfony 2

Could you suggest how to print any debug data into browser console in Symfony 2? Especially, is it possible to implement with Symfony VarDumper Component?
In Zend Framework you can use tool Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug to do so which is very helpful. Does Symfony has something like this from the box?


  • Monolog, the logger used by Symfony, has a built-in support for FirePHP and ChromePHP.

    In Symfony Standard Edition you can configure monolog handlers in your application configuration.

    FirePHP and ChromePHP handlers are even present in config_dev.yml, but are commented out:

                type: stream
                path: "%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log"
                level: debug
                channels: [!event]
                type:   console
                channels: [!event, !doctrine]
            # uncomment to get logging in your browser
            # you may have to allow bigger header sizes in your Web server configuration
            #    type:   firephp
            #    level:  info
            #    type:   chromephp
            #    level:  info

    All you need to do to see your logs in the browser is to uncomment the needed handler.

    Currently, the VarDumper component doesn't support dumping anything to the browser's console. However, you can see the dumped values in the web debug toolbar (or in html if you don't use the toolbar).