I am new to angularjs unit testing. I have a factory I am trying to spy on with jasmine and I can't figure out the syntax for the test spec. Below is the factory:
app.factory('assetFactory', function ($http) {
var baseAddress = "../api/";
var url = "";
var factory = {};
factory.getAssets = function (term) {
url = baseAddress + "asset/search/" + term;
return $http.get(url);
return factory;
Here is my test spec, which fails on the expect statement (Error: Expected spy getAssets to have been called):
describe('assetFactory', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
beforeEach(inject(function (assetFactory) {
spyOn(assetFactory, 'getAssets').and.callThrough();
it('should be defined', inject(function (assetFactory) {
it('should have been called, inject(function (assetFactory) {
Please add this change.
beforeEach(inject(function (assetFactory) {
spyOn(assetFactory, 'getAssets').and.callThrough();
In order to toHaveBeenCalled()
return true, you must called your function either in beforeEach
or it