I'm having a really hard time solving this problem. I want to find the max and min of my keys in my multimap (which happen to be objects of a class). By max and min I'm referring to my objects size member ONLY. I've made a comparator function, to pass it on the max_element(respectively min_element) functions, but I'm getting some error -- invalid initialization of reference of type 'const CFile&' from expression of type 'std::pair < const CFile, CDirectory::Filetype>'
I fixed this problem with my own implementation of min and max functions, but it just doesn't seem right to me. That's why I want to use the min/max_element algorithms...
Here is my sample program::
class CFile {
string m_strFile;
unsigned int m_size;
CFile () { m_strFile = ""; m_size = 0; }
CFile (string name, int size ) { m_strFile = name; m_size = size; }
string getFileName () const { return m_strFile; }
int getFileSize () const { return m_size; }
void setFileSize ( int size ) { m_size = size; }
/* stream manipulating and overloading operators here */
static bool Greater(const CFile& obj1, const CFile& obj2) {
return (obj1.getFileSize() > obj2.getFileSize());
bool operator< (CFile obj1, CFile obj2) {
return obj1.getFileName()<obj2.getFileName();
class CDirectory {
string m_strDirectory;
enum class Filetype {
Archive, Hidden, ReadOnly, System, FileNotSupported
Filetype filetype;
multimap <CFile, Filetype> m_DirectoryMap;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Filetype const type)
switch (type)
case Filetype::Archive:
os << "archive";
case Filetype::Hidden:
os << "hidden";
case Filetype::ReadOnly:
os << "read-only";
case Filetype::System:
os << "system";
case Filetype::FileNotSupported:
os << "not-supported";
return os;
CDirectory (string n) {
fp.open (n, ios::in);
string dirName, fileName, fType;
int fileSize;
fp >> dirName;
m_strDirectory = dirName;
while (fp >> fileName >> fileSize >> fType) {
CFile obj (fileName, fileSize);
if (fType == "Archive")
filetype = Filetype::Archive;
else if (fType == "Hidden")
filetype = Filetype::Hidden;
else if (fType == "ReadOnly")
filetype = Filetype::ReadOnly;
else if (fType == "System")
filetype = Filetype::System;
filetype = Filetype::FileNotSupported;
m_DirectoryMap.insert(pair<CFile, Filetype>(CFile(obj.getFileName(), obj.getFileSize()), Filetype(filetype)));
multimap<CFile, Filetype>::iterator p = m_DirectoryMap.begin();
while ( p != m_DirectoryMap.end()) {
cout << endl << p->first.getFileName() << '\t' << p->first.getFileSize() << '\t' << p->second << endl;
void test() {
std::multimap<CFile, Filetype>::iterator result;
result = std::max_element(m_DirectoryMap.begin(), m_DirectoryMap.end(), Greater);
std::cout << "max element: " << result->first.GetFileSize() << "\t" << result->first.GetFileName();
int main () {
CDirectory obj("test.txt");
return 0;
The comapre function for std::max_element
needs to have a signature like
bool cmp(const Type1 &a, const Type2 &b);
The types
must be such that an object of typeForwardIt
can be dereferenced and then implicitly converted to both of them.
Since you are using
std::max_element(m_DirectoryMap.begin(), m_DirectoryMap.end(), Greater);
The type being passed to Greater
is *std::multimap<CFile, Filetype>::iterator
which is a std::pair < const CFile, CDirectory::Filetype>
not a const CFile& obj1
like Greater
You need to write a function in the that takes two std::pair < const CFile, CDirectory::Filetype>
and compares them. A function that should work could look like
static bool GreaterPair(const std::pair<const CFile, CDirectory::Filetype> & lhs,
const std::pair<const CFile, CDirectory::Filetype> & rhs)
return Greater(lhs.first, rhs.first);
You also have a typo in
std::cout << "max element: " << result->first.GetFileSize() << "\t" << result->first.GetFileName();
The function is getFileSize()
not GetFileSize()
. Change it to
std::cout << "max element: " << result->first.getFileSize() << "\t" << result->first.getFileName();