Good day for all. I try to exclude dynamic tags but cant reach my goal. What am I doing wrong?
# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding=robot -*-
*** Settings ***
Test Template My Awesome Keyword
*** Test Cases ***
Case 1 hello hello Smoke Manual
Case 2 world world Auto
*** Keywords ***
My Awesome Keyword
[Arguments] ${Alpha} ${Betta} @{Tags}
Set tags @{Tags}
Should be equal ${Alpha} ${Betta}
from shell:
$ pybot -d ./result --non-critical Auto --exclude Auto wiadw.robot
You cannot include or exclude tests for dynamic tags. When pybot (or equivalent) starts up, it parses all of the code and builds up a list of tests to run before it runs any tests at all. This list of tests doesn't change as tests are run. Plus, in order for a dynamic tag to be set, the test has to start running. It's too late to exclude it at that point.
In other worlds, --include
and --exclude
can only work on static tags that are part of the test before the tests run.