I would like to replace a certain part of a columns field with something else. The only issue is that what I've tried doesn't work. I'm using HeidiSQL
This is a overview of the database: Database Overview
What I would like to do is for each user_id with field_id 523 I would like to replace 'centraal-zorgportaal.nl/afbeeldingen/' with '/profiles/(for each user id here)/'.
So the end result example after running the query will look like this: '/profiles/711/logo.gif', but then for each user with a diffrent logo.gif.
Note: Can't post more than two links so removed the http etc. in front.
This is the query I've tried and dind't work:
update wp_bp_xprofile_data
set value = replace( value,
'/profiles/' +
(select user_id
from wp_bp_xprofile_data
where user_id = @n := @n + 1 n) +
where field_id = 523
(Table name is: wp_bp_xprofile_data)
This is the error message I received: Error message:
Could anyone explain why this doesn't work, how to fix it and the best way to approach this problem?
In MySQL/MariaDB, you cannot refer to the table being modified. From your description, you seem to want something like this:
update wp_bp_xprofile_data
set value = replace(value,
concat('/profiles/', user_id, '/')
where field_id = 523;