I am trying to create an interface for WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français, Free French Wordnet). The goal is to replicate the AWNDatabaseManger for the Arabic Wordnet (http://www.talp.upc.edu/index.php/technology/resources/multilingual-lexicons-and-machine-translation-resources/multilingual-lexicons/72-awn), but for WOLF.
The problem I am facing is that I cannot find proper data specifications for WOLF (http://alpage.inria.fr/~sagot/wolf-en.html) or WoNeF (which is another French tranlated Wordnet http://wonef.fr/)
For the Arabic Wordnet they have given detailed Data Specifications which can be found at http://globalwordnet.org/arabic-wordnet/awn-data-spec/ I am trying to find the same for either WOLF or WoNeF.
Otherwise how do i map the two files?
For example an word and its relation in awn look like:
<item itemid="$ajarap_AlS~amog_n1AR" offset="111586059" lexfile="" name="شَجَرَة الصَّمْغ " type="synset" headword="" POS="n" source="" gloss="" authorshipid="80" />
<word wordid="$ajarap__1" value="شَجَرَة الصَّمْغ " synsetid="$ajarap_AlS~amog_n1AR" frequency="" corpus="" authorshipid="11461" />
<link type="has_hyponym" link1="$ajarap_AlS~amog_n1AR" link2=">ukAlibotws_n1AR" authorshipid="35038" />
<link type="has_hyponym" link1="$ajarap_n1AR" link2="$ajarap_AlS~amog_n1AR" authorshipid="35041" />
The word defintion (item) and it's relations (link) are seperated with different attributes.
whereas in WOLF a word and it's relations look like:
<ILR type="near_antonym">eng-30-00002098-a</ILR>
<ILR type="be_in_state">eng-30-05200169-n</ILR>
<ILR type="be_in_state">eng-30-05616246-n</ILR>
<ILR type="eng_derivative">eng-30-05200169-n</ILR>
<ILR type="eng_derivative">eng-30-05616246-n</ILR>
<LITERAL lnote="2/2:fr.csbgen,fr.csen">comptable</LITERAL>
<DEF>(usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something
<USAGE>able to swim</USAGE>
<USAGE>she was able to program her computer</USAGE>
<USAGE>we were at last able to buy a car</USAGE>
<USAGE>able to get a grant for the project</USAGE>
I can make assumptions that awn attribute gloss is equal to wolf tag usage, and awn attribute pos is equal to wolf tag pos.
But the point is I don't want to make assumptions, i am looking for proper documentation from which I can be sure and conclude the mappings between the two files.
Could anyone please point me to the right docs?
The WOLF database is formatted based on VisDic defined here: https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/deb2/wiki/WordNetFormat The XSD is available here: http://deb.fi.muni.cz/debvisdic.xsd