I want to do a search for products. I also get some results but they are located in the USA with currency USD but I want to get results from Germany with EUR instead. The language of the custom search is already set to German but the prefered search results are from US.
Is there a possibility to prefere german sides only?
Thanks for your answeres!
You could restrict or boost results from Germany with cr
or gl
Restricts search results to documents originating in a particular country.
Boost search results whose country of origin matches the parameter value.
So, you could try:
<gcse:search cr="countryDE"></gcse:search>
<gcse:search gl="de"></gcse:search>
Custom Search Element Control API / Supported Attributes
If you don't need "global" search, and all, or the most of your CSE implementations should be restricted to Germany, then you could set default cr
or gl
on https://cse.google.com/ > Search features > Advanced > Websearch restricts. ("Country Restrict" and "Boost Results By Locale".)