We are using Stash for our SCM. Currently we are a team of three (developer1,developer2,developer3). Developer1 is working on branch1 of a stash repository. He has pushed some changes on branch1 which I am also working.I want to pull the branch1 data from remote server to my working copy.
But pull get aborted because I have my local changes via 'source tree tool'. How can I keep my local changes and pull the data from remote server without overwriting it? I want to push the local changes to remote afterwards as latest commit.
Please help.
Use git stash
to stash your local changes. This will set your branch pointing to last commit from remote. Then do git pull
to get latest changes. This will pull his changes to your local. Now if you want to write changes that you made (you just stashed them), use git stash apply
to apply your changes on top of latest changes.