I'm looking for a way to implement the intersect function sql into doctrine dql to use it for some queries. Here is the query i would like to intersect their result :
$sql1 = "SELECT distinct o1 FROM Application\Entity\Object1 o1 INNER JOIN Application\Entity\Object2 o2 WITH o2.fkObject1 = o1.pkObject1 WHERE o1.etat = 'valide' AND o2.pkObject2 = $id ";
$sql2 = "SELECT distinct o1 FROM Application\Entity\Object1 o1 INNER JOIN Application\Entity\Object2 o2 WITH o2.fkObject1 = o1.pkObject1 WHERE o1.etat = 'attente' AND o2.pkObject2 = $id_2 ";
$sql = "sql1 INTERSECT $sql2 ";
// returns [Syntax Error] line 0, col 556: Error: Expected end of string, got 'INTERSECT'
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($sql);
$results = $query->getResult();
the way it worked for me is to use too many inner join like this :
$sql = "SELECT distinct o1
FROM Application\Entity\Object1 o1
INNER JOIN Application\Entity\Object2 o2 WITH o2.fkObject1 = o1.pkObject1
INNER JOIN Application\Entity\Object2 o3 WITH o3.fkObject1 = o1.pkObject1
WHERE o1.etat = 'valide'
AND o2.pkObject2 = $id
AND o1.etat = 'attente'
AND o3.pkObject3 = $id_2 ";
Hope it helps.